Double leg squat

Screen Shot squat.png


The person bends the knees, moving them forward over the toes, and lowering the hips. Follow the speed and range of motion of the person on the screen to replicate the exercise as much as possible without pain or loss of balance. Best possible performance is of interest, and poor technique will cause the software to ask for a repeat performance.


Desired technique

Arms folded across the belly at all times. Releasing the arms will trigger a request for a repeat test.

Feet 15 cm apart at all times.

Toes pointing forwards at all times.

Feet remain flat on the floor. Avoid  lifting the heels off the ground.

Perform a ¼ squat, where the thighs are approximately 45° with horizontal, or 60° of knee flexion. This is enough for most Activities of Daily Living (ADL), and often used in research about function.

Sit down, and lean slightly forward with the trunk. Avoid bending forward excessively with the trunk. Bending beyond approximately 65° will trigger a request for a repeat test.

Always squat to a comfortable depth. If the knees do not bend enough, this may trigger a request for a repeat test with a deeper squat.

When finishing the squat movement the knees need to be fully extended.